Reelect Karlee Provenza

Wyoming House of Representatives

Fighting for freedom for
a brighter future

Justice is
more than The
American Legal System

It's how we value and work for the people of wyoming

Vote Provenza!

Vote on Primary Election Day – August 20
– Absentee voting begins July 23

Vote on Election day – Nov. 5
– Absentee voting begins Oct. 8

During our time in office, I have advocated for Wyoming's hard working communities to have the freedom to raise families and have access to a quality education, affordable healthcare, and an honest government.

I've stood up to dark money mega donors who sent professionally trained spies to my home because they fear the power of our grassroots movement. Now the time has come to defend our chance to continue our fight for a brighter future for Laramie and our great state. This election isn't about me or special interest groups, it's about our community's right to make our own decisions about healthcare, housing, and build a government that works for the people, not against them.  

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My Story

I’m a 34-year-old woman who’s invested in working for a brighter future in Albany County and Wyoming.

I grew up poor, sometimes on public assistance. In 2005, like so many other families, we lost our home to foreclosure. A year later a fire burned my grandmother's house down, my second home. With two permanently disabled parents who did everything they could to provide but weren’t able to get ahead, I knew that the deck was stacked against me. At 16 I left home and school.

Through hard work, piles of student debt, and the grace of those who believed in me, I beat the odds, went to college, and earned my Ph.D. at the University of Wyoming.

My obsession with justice has driven my research on the psychology of the American legal system and guided my advocacy efforts in my community. I deeply love Laramie and the beautiful state of Wyoming, and I’m willing to work on its behalf. In 2018, I co-founded Albany County for Proper Policing, which worked diligently towards transparency and accountability of local law enforcement.

My husband Nate, and I look forward to building our lives here and to helping build our community along the way. And I look forward to listening to members of my community on their ideas about criminal justice, healthcare, economic instability, public lands, and more.
Pride in our land

Public lands should remain free and in public hands. In 2023, I passed a law that bans billionaires and other private land owners from putting private property signs on public land to claim it as their own. I know how important hunting and fishing is to our great state and I am dedicated to protecting our western heritage for today and future generations.

Hard work

I am the product of a hard working family who struggled to make ends meet. I know what it’s like to work paycheck to paycheck, be sick without health insurance, and feel stuck with little opportunity to get ahead. During my time in the legislature, I have fought for workers' rights, increased pay, and more opportunities for good paying jobs for our communities.

Reproductive Freedom

Religious extremists have fought to strip the rights away of Wyoming families by attempting to ban abortion. I have fought these bans and even signed onto a United State Supreme Court Amicus Brief to fight for our freedom to make our own decisions about if, when, and how to raise our families. The government has no business in our bedrooms or our doctor's office.

healthcare Freedom

The people of Wyoming spend more on healthcare than any other state, in part, because lawmakers refuse to use common sense solutions like Medicaid Expansion. I have fought passionately for healthcare relief for all of Wyoming and will continue to do so. This last year, I helped pass legislation that reduced the cost of hearing aids and voted for solutions to streamline health insurance coverage.

Strong Public Schools

Wyoming has a top-rated public education system because our State Constitution ensures a quality education for all of our children. Serving on the education committee has given me the opportunity to advocate for Wyoming's teachers and students. In this role, I have helped defeat efforts to erode our public schools, increase teacher pay, and support career technical education.  

Young People

As a 34-year-old woman, I understand millennial issues. We’re highly educated, working multiple jobs, and lack real employment opportunities. Being a young woman, I also know what it's like to face the uncertain future of employment in Wyoming. I am invested in working towards economic freedom for young people through greater opportunities in housing, healthcare, and jobs so future generations can raise their families and live and love here.